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Gangajal - water from the Ganges

7,50 €
Sale price 7,50 €
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In stock (19 units)


The sacred water of the aisle - crystal clean and full of energy

The saint Water of the aisle In the Himalayas there is unique, crystal clean and through the energetic herbs full of minerals. Hermetically closed and untouched by human hands, it could preserve all its natural properties.

Use of gangajal

Gangajal, the sacred water of the aisle, has a wide range of applications:

  • Poojas and cleaning: Gangajal is indispensable for Poojas and the cleaning of Deities (holy statues).
  • Material prosperity and spiritual growth: It can help material prosperity and spiritual growth.
  • Shivalingam-Abhishek: An abbey (holy washing ritual) with gangajal can replace all pilgrimages.
  • Yagna ceremonies: Gangajal is used in all types of yagna (spiritual ceremonies).

Product details

  • Quantity: 1 bottle (100 ml)
  • Hermetically closed and untouched by human hands
  • Rich in minerals and energetic herbs

Experience the cleaning and spiritually uplifting power of the gang water in your daily ritual or in sacred ceremonies.