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Researchers know from countless studies that the radiation from mobile phones and WIFI has a biological effect on our body. This influences cell growth, DNA and brain cell functions.

Does low radiation from mobile phones, electrical devices and WIFI technology pose a serious risk to our health?

Studies have increasingly confirmed that there is a link between exposure to radiation from mobile phones and wireless technologies and adverse health risks. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have categorized radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as potentially carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). This category is used when a causal relationship appears to be credible, but chance, distortion and interference cannot be excluded with reasonable certainty.

What we do not know is the long-term effects of these technologies on our health. The number of mobile phones and wireless technologies has skyrocketed in the last 10 years and our children are the first generation to be exposed to this radiation from the day they were conceived and continue to be exposed to it. Many researchers and government agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, believe that the issue of radiation exposure requires increased research efforts. Meanwhile, many countries, including England, Germany, France and Scandinavia, have implemented measures to reduce mobile phone use among pregnant women and infants.

Research on the health effects of radiation exposure

The researcher Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington has been conducting laboratory studies on radiation since 1980. He maintains a database of 400 research results on possible biological effects of exposure to radiation from mobile phones and wireless technologies. He believes that 67% of the studies not sponsored by the telecommunications industry have found an actual possible effect as a result of exposure to radiation from wireless devices.

Effects on fertility

Many studies have found a link between exposure to radiation and reduced fertility in both men and women. In 2008, a study by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine found that men who used a mobile phone for 4 hours a day had up to 25% less sperm than men who did not use a mobile phone.


The American Pregnancy Organization cites the following: "Exposure to radiation is another factor in miscarriage, along with drug use, smoking and malnutrition. Studies have also shown a link between exposure to magnetic fields and the risk of miscarriage (Li and other authors, 2002)".


Cancer risks are the most researched health effects of radiation exposure and studies have shown links between mobile phone use and brain tumours, breast cancer and blood cancer. The largest study ever conducted on this subject was the Interphone study. This was coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The study investigated possible associations between the use of mobile phones and head and neck tumours in adults. Data collected in 13 countries showed no increased risk of gliomas or meningiomas when using mobile phones over a period of 10 years. However, there was an increased risk among the participants who were among the 10% who used their mobile phones most (in cumulative hours).

Many health experts now advise to minimize radiation exposure in general in everyday life and especially during pregnancy.