Telefonische Bestellung unter: 07841 8392410

Aura Camera

Thank you for your inquiry and your interest in an aura camera system. 
At the moment we no longer offer the WinAura programs. The company that used to supply us has been sold, and the new owner now offers the system for three to five times the price. We do not want to support that. 
In addition, good service is very important to us, but we cannot guarantee this due to bad experiences with the current owner. 
Therefore we have decided to take the big step and not to offer this aura camera system for the time being. However - and this is the next step - we will develop our own brand new device, which will bring a lot of additional features and can do much more than all previous systems.
It will be a special measuring device for frequencies of all kinds, much more than a normal aura camera. Among other things it will measure the chakras and even show in which direction they are turning. What it will be able to do exactly, we will announce in a few months.
In any case, it will be a unique device, considerably more comprehensive, far more than just an aura camera and still affordable. Like a pregnancy, this process will take 9 months of development time. Therefore we ask for your understanding and patience until our vision becomes reality. Of course we will inform you immediately when it is time. 
Last but not least, we would like to introduce you to another brand new and very fascinating device that we recently added to our program - the PandoraStar light therapy, which we are already working with successfully. It uses intensively flickering kaleidoscopic light in different frequencies to awaken a number of specific brain activities in the brain and achieve the activation of different states of consciousness. This device PandoraStar light therapy you can purchase in our shop or you can buy a Session book. 
Take a look inside and get your light experience!  
We are looking forward to hearing from you again and send you our best wishes