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13-eyes Rudraksha (Java) - For sensuality, sexuality and desires of all kinds

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This silver-bound 13-eyed Rudraksha from Nepal is connected with a form of Kamadeva, the Hindu deity of love. 

It is delivered on a fine silver bracelet. This Rudraksha is connected with the sacral and root chakra. It is used to stimulate sensuality and sexuality and supports all kinds of desires.

This Rudraksha is known to give hypnotic attraction, attractiveness and charisma to the opposite sex and helps to awaken the Kundalini energy.

13-eyes Rudrakshas are especially popular with artists, writers and great speakers.

  • Design: available in different designs
  • Origin: Java/Indonesia
  • Energize: Indra/Kamadeva
  • Planet: Venus
  • Chakra: Wurzel-/Sakral-Chakra (Mooladhara/Svadhistana)
  • Mantra: Om Hreem Namah

As this is a natural product which is further processed by hand, slight variations in colour, size and design are possible.

This is a rare Rudraksha and it can take up to 3 months to get it in stock. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The results are the sole responsibility of the executing agency.