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3-Augen-Rudraksha-Mala in Silber gefasst zur Stärkung des inneren Feuers

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A mala from 3-eyed Rudrakshas is also called a Mahajwala mala. 

As the 3-eyed Rudraksha is assigned to the element fire, it activates and balances the inner fire, which brings inspiration and power into our lives.

It frees from attachments to past birth karma and supports the wearer to come back into harmony and clarity.

In cases of feelings of guilt and lack of self-confidence, their vibration contributes greatly to transformation.

It is said that the sins of the past births are burnt away as the fire burns fuel.

It also helps to keep stress, anger and resentment under control, which generally has a positive effect on the organism.
Through the concentration of several Rudrakshas in this mala, its power increases enormously and it is said that the wearer can reach Moksha, i.e. be freed from the wheel of rebirth.

Design: 54+1 in Silber gefasst
Origin: Nepal

As this is a natural product which is further processed by hand, slight variations in colour, size and design are possible. 

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The results are the sole responsibility of the executing agency.